About the Course
Friedrich Tiedemann,a famous German anatomist and physiologist once said, “Doctors without anatomy are like moles. They work in the dark and the work of their hands are mounds.” Anatomy has always been a cornerstone in the field of medicine. Most of the surgical errors have been attributed to poor anatomical knowledge. Hence, a clinician must have a firm grounding in this subject.
We have created an elaborative coursework on anatomy that covers various topics such as the anatomical terminology, cellular processes and tissue
classification. The structural interrelationships of various organs and organ systems in the body are taught in detail under the gross and microscopic anatomy of the body systems namely, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive.
Target Audience
Medical students – Allopathy, Dental
Alternative Medicine students – Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Yoga
Para/Allied medical students – Nursing, Physiotherapy, BSc Anatomy
Post graduate students – MD/MSc/PhD Anatomy
Course Delivery Format
This course is delivered entirely online. It consists of a series of comprehensive lectures by a professor in the subject, appropriately annotated with slides, animations and wherever necessary, interactive content. The delivery offers tremendous flexibility. You may pause a teacher while you refer to your textbooks (not includes) and to take notes. You may also rewind a segment to listen to the teacher again or you may skip a slide or two if you already know that bit. You may bookmark a segment that you wish to return to later, maybe to refresh just before your exams. While the lessons in this course may be arranged in a particular order based on our curriculum, you have the flexibility to take them in order of your preference based on your personalized learning needs.
While this course is to help you learn the subject from an online faculty, it may help you in several ways even if you are already enrolled in some medical, dental or paramedical school. Many of our students felt that the format in which this course is delivered has helped them to cope up against the fast paced lectures in actual class – it’s like having a TV remote in class to self-pace your teacher. Animations help understand concepts better by making concepts easy to understand… and difficult to forget
Dr. M. Laeeque
Asst. Prof Anatomy, GMC, Aurangabad.