+91 9959113026

Child Health Nursing

Digital book in Child Health Nursing is a complete and thorough explanation of the content with images and videos. It is mainly used as faculty aid as well as supplementary/remedial education. It promotes the knowledge and skills that are essential to care for children.

Language English

Sample Lecture

About the Course:

Digital book in Child Health Nursing is a complete and thorough explanation of the content with images and videos. It is mainly used as faculty aid as well as supplementary/remedial education. It promotes the knowledge and skills that are essential to care for children.

Outstanding features:

  • It is designed in a two column format with brief notes, alongside an extensive range of carefully constituted exhibit portfolio comprising of pictures, charts, line diagrams, procedures, slides and animations.
  • Periodic updates or upgrades and enhancements are done through the subscription period. 
  • At the end of every lecture there are questions to support self assessment in respect to the well defined essential competencies.


  • It is a comprehensive coverage of childhood illnesses, diseases, accidents, treatment modalities and first aid services and nursing care approaches.
  • It also focuses on growth and development of children, prevention and health education, immunizations and routine developmental health screenings.
  • The digital book covers the health assessments, physical examinations, vital signs, collection of blood and other samples and information on diagnostic tests.
  • It covers information on how to interpret results of the lab investigations and make nursing diagnosis and make treatment plans for the patients.

(Note: Offer Amount Excluding GST @ 18 %)

For offline version(access without internet connection),please contact our representative for attractive offers.

Mobile - 9959113026
