+91 9959113026

Computers-Digital Book

Digital book in computers is a complete and thorough explanation of the content with images and videos. It is mainly used as faculty aid as well as supplementary/remedial education. It is designed for students to develop basic understanding of uses of computers and its application in nursing.

Language English

Sample Lecture

About the Course

Digital book in computers is a complete and thorough explanation of the content with images and videos. It is mainly used as faculty aid as well as supplementary/remedial education. It is designed for students to develop basic understanding of uses of computers and its application in nursing.

Outstanding features:

  • It is designed in a two column format with brief notes, alongside an extensive range of carefully constituted exhibit portfolio comprising of pictures, charts, line diagrams, procedures, slides and animations.
  • Periodic updates or upgrades and enhancements are done through the subscription period. 
  • At the end of every lecture there are questions to support self assessment in respect to the well defined essential competencies.


  • The digital book covers the concepts used in nursing and applications of computers in nursing
  • It focuses on the use of disc operating system, use of MS-Office and multimedia
  • It is a comprehensive coverage of the features of computer aided teaching and testing, use of internet and email.
  • It covers the use of the statistical packages and the use of hospital management system

(Note: Offer Amount Excluding GST @ 18 %)

For offline version(access without internet connection),please contact our representative for attractive offers.

Mobile - 9959113026
