+91 9959113026

UGMed-2 on TAB

A rigorous self-study course for one who is ready to diligently learn Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine in detail.

Category Undergraduate
Duration 392 hours 58 mins
Language English

Sample Lecture





About the Course

UGMED II extensively covers in minute detail, all the topics from Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine delivered by a group of eminent professors from the respective disciplines. The course structure has been fine-tuned to suit the learning patterns of different kinds of students. It covers virtually everything that you need to know about these subjects with a great emphasis on their clinical relevance.

Target Audience

“Medical students – Allopathy, Dental.
Alternative Medicine students – Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Acupuncture.
Para/Allied medical students – Nursing, Physiotherapy, Medical lab technicians, BSc.
Postgraduate students – MD/MSc/PhD Anatomy, Radiology, Orthopedics, Vascular Surgery and Neurosurgery, General Surgery”

Course Delivery Format

This course is available on the TAB. It consists of a series of comprehensive lectures by a professor in the subject, appropriately annotated with slides, animations and wherever necessary, interactive content. The delivery offers tremendous flexibility. You may pause a teacher while you refer to your textbooks (not includes) and to take notes. You may also rewind a segment to listen to the teacher again or you may skip a slide or two if you already know that bit. You may bookmark a segment that you wish to return to later, maybe to refresh just before your exams.  While the lessons in this course may be arranged in a particular order based on our curriculum, you have the flexibility to take them in order of your preference based on your personalized learning needs.


While this course is to help you learn the subject from an online faculty, it may help you in several ways even if you are already enrolled in some medical, dental or paramedical school. Many of our students felt that the format in which this course is delivered has helped them to cope up against the fast paced lectures in actual class – it’s like having a TV remote in class to self-pace your teacher. Animations help understand concepts better by making concepts easy to understand… and difficult to forget!

S.No Topics Durations
1 General Bacteriology 10:54:38
2 Systemic Bacteriology 17:46:40
3 Immunology 12:02:36
4 Virology 5:05:41
5 Mycology 3:41:59
6 Parasitology 10:06:21
7 Applied / Clinical Microbiology 4:12:19
8 General Pathology 35:05:17
9 Systemic Pathology 69:37:56
10 Laboratory Studies 10:35:43
11 General Pharmacology 11:23:56
12 Autonomic Nervous System 13:14:03
13 Peripheral Nervous System 2:06:02
14 Autacoids and Related Drugs 4:02:27
15 Respiratory System 1:43:26
16 Cardiovascular System 5:54:55
17 Drugs Acting on Blood and Blood Formation 5:14:55
18 Gastrointestinal System 0:36:35
19 Endocrine System 8:16:16
20 Central Nervous System 10:12:24
21 Toxicology 0:57:56
22 Chemotherapy 11:14:33
23 Introduction 0:54:03
24 Legal Procedures 1:18:35
25 Medical Law and Ethics 5:34:28
26 Identification 5:48:46
27 Medicolegal Autopsy 4:13:50
28 Thanatology- Death and its causes 2:52:26
29 Post-Mortem Changes 3:29:38
30 Forensic Traumatology 7:24:54
31 Regional Injuries 6:06:03
32 Legal Aspects of Injuries 1:26:21
33 Thermal Deaths 3:01:07
34 Starvation 0:35:40
35 Mechanical Asphyxia 4:56:40
36 Surgical and Anesthetic Deaths 0:45:43
37 Virginity, Pregnancy and Delivery 1:27:45
38 Sexual Offences 3:07:45
39 Abortion 1:31:58
40 Infant Deaths 1:55:04
41 Blood Stains 2:39:53
42 Forensic Psychiatry 2:43:55
43 Postmortem Artefacts 0:13:26
44 Forensic Science Laboratory 0:45:03
45 Toxicology 15:08:25

Dr. C. Shashidhar Mestri
J N Medical College

Dr. Pavan Kumar SPV
Assistant Professor
ASRAM Medical College

Dr. Gurudatta S. Pawar
Professor and Director
J. J. M. Medical College

Dr. N. Jagadeesh
Associate Professor
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences

V.V. Pillay
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. G. V. Manjunath
J. S. S. Medical College

Dr. Chella Sundaram
Professor and HOD
Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. B. Vijaya
Associate Professor
JSS Medical College

Dr. Shirish Vadodkar
Asst Professor
Bhaskar Medical College

Dr. Jaya Deshpande
Ex. Professor and HOD
T. N. Medical College

Dr. A.S. Ramaswamy
Assistant Professor
PES Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Institute

Dr. K. R. Chatura
J J M Medical College

Dr. Tooba Fatima
JIIU'S Indian Institute of Medical Science and Research

Dr. Nandeesh BN

Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute

Dr. B. M. Prakash
Professor and Head
J. S. S. Medical College

Dr. Gurudas Khilnani
J. L. N. Medical College

Dr. T. N. Kumar
Professor and HOD
Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College

Dr. Sandeep Kaushal
Associate professor
Dayanand Medical College and Hospital

Dr. Dinesh Badyal
Associate Professor
Christian Medical College

Dr. S. Balakrishnan
Associate Professor
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. S. Basalingappa
Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. Mohammed Younus Khan
MD, Pharmacology


Dr. Ashish Kumar
Assistant Professor
Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences

Dr. Veenu Gupta
Assistant Professor
DMC and Hospital

Dr. P. A. Jayakar
Former Professor and HOD
Andhra Medical College

Dr. Subha Parameshwaran
Professor and HOD
K. J. Somaiya Medical College

Dr. Madhavi Sarabu
Asst. Professor
Bhaskara Medical College

Dr. A. S. Damle
Govt. Medical College

Dr. Jyoti Bajaj
Assistant Professor
Government Medical College

Dr. I. Jyothi Padmaja
Professor and HOD
Andhra Medical College

Dr. Abhay Chowdhary
Prof. and HOD
Grant Medical College

Dr. Madhuri Kulkarni
JSS Medical College

Dr Sudha Madhuri
Assistant Professor, Microbiology
Gandhi Medical College

Dr. D. S. Murthy
Asst. Prof. of Microbiology
Osmania Medical College

Dr. K. Prasanthi
Asst. Prof. of Microbiology
Gandhi Medical College

start inverted I feel contended with the present features of SmarTeach. end inverted


Madhumitha. R

Student, SRMC College Batch 2008-2009

Are the lectures downloadable?

No, you cannot download the lectures. All the lectures have to be viewed online.

Is there any difference in 50 hrs and 200 hrs? Can I subscribe to 50 hours and then add more time in case I need to?

Apart from the number of hours, there is no difference in the course content. In case you want to selectively study some topics, for example, you could take the 50-hour pack and view the lessons selectively, even though all topics will be available. You can “”top-up”” your account in case you want more time. It’s just like buying talk time on your pre-paid mobile phone!

What is the Course Access Key?

An Access Key is required, and will be sent to you to activate the course in case you are depositing money directly in our bank account or paying the course fee to one of our Associates. If you are paying through a Credit Card, there is no need for the Access Key.

In case I am able to complete 50 hours of learning in 1 month, can I still access the course material?

No. The course will expire upon 50 hours of use or completion of 90 days from the date of subscription, whichever is earlier.

In case I am able to complete 200 hours of learning in four months, can I still access the course material?

No. The course will expire upon 200 hours of use or completion of 1 year from the date of subscription, whichever is earlier.

Can I view any Topic or Subject or Lecture as I wish? Is it also possible to learn from two or more subjects at a time?

Yes, you get access to any lecture from any subject (or even more than one subject) as per your choice and view it as many times in the subscribed timeframe.

What do you mean by Interactive Sessions?

This program provides many Interactive features never available before. This includes the ability to Pause the lecture, Play the lecture from any given point, Rewind to portions of the lecture, Fast Forward to any point and listen to any topic more than once. In addition, at some places you can get additional learning material in the form of text notes and additional slides. You can wish to see the slides Zoomed-in with Voice over only or also see the speaker and slides. You can also attempt MCQs in between or at the end of the lecture. All this by interactively making your choices on the screen – after all, every person has his or her own way of learning!

Can I pay through Credit Card in INR (Indian Rupee)?

Yes, you can pay the course fee through your Credit Card in Indian Rupees. This payment is authenticated through the ICICI 3D Secure payment gateway ensuring the absolute safety of such a transaction.

(Note: Offer Amount Excluding GST @ 18 %)

For offline version(access without internet connection),please contact our representative for attractive offers.

Mobile - 9959113026
